Probionic Plus

Helps the body maintain healthy cholesterol levels, sustain normal blood glucose, and burn fat for powerful weight loss.*



Probionic Plus is a supplement for individuals looking to reduce symptoms of poor digestive health like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and inflammatory symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).In addition, daily use of Probionic Plus will improve the immune system response, thus allowing individuals to defend against harmful pathigens with ease.

• Proprietary encapsulation: An individual will absorb 90% of the bacterial strains in Probionic Plus.

• Research-Backed bacterial strain: Scientific studies and clinical trials have shown her four strains of probiotics inluded in Probionic Plus to be very effective in vonveying digestive and immunity health benefits.

• Boost immune system and strengthens gastrointestinal systems.

• Helps digestion and thus provide better absorption of nutrients.

• Listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference.

Physicians’ Desk
Reference (PDR)

Your body needs good bacteria to help with detoxication, food digestion, waste removal, production of vitamins, and protection from harmful organism.

The PDR is one of the most commonly used drug and wellness resources in the world for medical professionals. The PDR provides physicians with accurate information about pharmaceutical and nutraceutical compounds.



    Decide which Balance is right for you.

  • MIX

    Mix 1 sachet of Balance with 8 ounces of water.


    Drink 10-15 minutes prior to your meal.


    Take Balance twice a day.


    Use the 4-4-12 rule.


You can take it dry or, if you’d like, you can stir the contents of one mildly sweet packet into the beverage of your choice.


1 Sachet.


1 Sachet daily.